
Covid 19 and the ensuing quarantine has really made building a photography business as a recent transplant to Texas, extremely difficult. I feel like this big old rock barely hanging on to my perch. Holding on by pure stubborn grit. Facebook continues to make things difficult by constantly punishing me for content they deem as offensive. Even going so far as to find a meme offensive that I’d been posting over the last year. 16 times in fact. In 16 different places. So I took 16 thirty day bans. There’s just no rhyme or reason to it and during a quarantine, it’s my best option to stay in touch with potential clients. I got a contract to do a product shoot. That has been fun. But mostly it’s just hanging out at home and looking at old photos. Trying to decide which ones would be the best options for drink coasters. I guess I’m just not feeling very stable in my decision to do this full time. But I’m stubborn yall. I can’t imagine giving it up. Maybe I’ll have to figure out a side job, but photography provides a happiness I’d never experienced before. My Nikon is my bff. So for those of you who have helped support MoesPhoto these last few years, thank you so much. You mean so much to me and keep my heart beating. Thank you.

Maurice AmarComment